5 Trends That Define Branding Strategy In 2019

trends that define branding strategy in 2019

Thanks to new technology, customers are receiving thousands of advertisements from different brands each day. With this fast and continuous communication, many brands find it hard to stay remarkable and keep their name at the top of the mind of the customer. Despite the dense communication from companies, customers would not even notice if approximately …

4 Tips To Evoke Emotion With Personalized Posts

Tips To Evoke Emotion With Personalized Posts

Could you do me a favor and look at the beautiful faces below? Image Source: Pexels Each of these young people is different; they wear different clothes, have different personalities and values, and pursue different goals in life. Everything about them is unique because every person has a distinct worldview and different interests. Does this …

7 Reasons Backed By Data To Start Online Business This Year

Reasons Backed By Data To Start Online Business This Year

  “It’s too late to start an online business” “You’ve missed the boat” “All the profitable ideas are already taken” I’ve been hearing this since 2012; the year I left my job and became a full-time content marketing consultant. But people have been saying such things for much longer. For example, here’s a screenshot of …