7 Reasons Backed By Data To Start Online Business This Year

Reasons Backed By Data To Start Online Business This Year

  “It’s too late to start an online business” “You’ve missed the boat” “All the profitable ideas are already taken” I’ve been hearing this since 2012; the year I left my job and became a full-time content marketing consultant. But people have been saying such things for much longer. For example, here’s a screenshot of …

5 Reasons Why Website Design Is Important To Get More Leads

Reasons Why Website Design Is Important To Get More Leads

  For over a decade now, businesses have been attempting to garner the power of the internet for the cost-effective, efficient marketing of their products or services. But even the best-conceived internet marketing campaigns can fail if your website’s design costs you the leads it should otherwise be generating. We recognize that beautiful graphics and …

5 eCommerce Tools and Solutions for improving engagement and optimization

eCommerce Tools and Solutions for improving engagement and optimization

  No matter where you look online, someone is talking about how great running an eCommerce business is. Amazingly enough, they all want to teach you how to do the same! Once you visit any of these guru sites or sales pages, you are then inundated with more remarketing ads on Facebook and other social media …

How to Create and Use Screen Recording Videos in Your Content Marketing

How to Create and Use Screen Recording Videos in Your Content Marketing

  If you want to take your content marketing to the next level, video is the way to go. It’s estimated that by 2022, 82% of all global traffic will be from video. An easy way to venture into video content marketing is through screen recording videos. This is because anybody can create them. You …

The Pros and Cons of Micro Influencers and Celebrity Influencers

Pros and Cons of Micro Influencers and Celebrity Influencers

Before the relatively recent explosion of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, celebrity advertising was considered to be the main path towards reaching and influencing potential customers. If your brand or business was attempting to market sports apparel, for example, reaching out to certain NBA stars with an aggressive advertising campaign was probably the best way to …

7 Hyperlocal Marketing Strategies for Growth

Hyperlocal Marketing

  The world is becoming more and more mobile. Customers don’t just search for products, services or businesses; they want to get these results at arm’s length. Users want Google to use their location every time they search for something, even if they don’t add location modifiers like “near me,” addresses, etc. According to Google, …