Where to look for product ideas to sell

Many e-commerce newcomers do not have a clue about product ideas to sell in their online stores. Some of them launch general stores and struggle with their monetisation. Some rush into overstocked niche markets with the same product that thousands of other online retailers sell. Be smarter, spend some time – and choose the most …

What To Do When Your Facebook Ads Account Gets Banned?

Your business boat is sailing smoothly with flowing lead generation and ads working wonderfully on your Facebook ads Account, but, there comes a bolt from the blue and suddenly your Facebook ads Account gets banned. You are left clueless and stuck with no idea what to do. Does this story seem familiar to you? Don’t …

Mastering WordPress SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

WordPress SEO

Mastering WordPress SEO: A Comprehensive Guide Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for any website aiming to attract organic traffic and improve its online presence. WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems (CMS), offers a plethora of tools and plugins to help you optimize your site for search engines. In this guide, …

9 Things We Learned About Content Marketing From 6,000 Blogs

When we’re young, we’re told the same thing over and over: “Don’t worry about what the person next to you is doing, you just focus on you.” That’s good life advice, but it’s not really very good marketing advice. When you want your marketing campaigns to be competitive, you absolutely need to know where you stand compared …

The small business owners guide to conquering SEO: The glossary

If you are a small business owner with a grasp of what it takes to make your site rank for the search terms your potential customers use, great! But if you’re not, don’t despair. Many small business owners struggle with one or more aspects of search engine optimization (SEO), and for good reason. While SEO is …

10 Affordable, Underrated Digital Marketing Tools

Right now, there is a total, 829 digital marketing tools available. That’s a lot! You’ve probably heard of the giants in this space: GetResponse, Moz, Hubspot, and the likes.   But for every major marketing tool, there’s a smaller, more nimble company ready to blow you away. And it’s these unsung heroes I’d like to focus …

Why Blockchain Is Disrupting the Digital Marketing Space

Admit it… Fake is the new currency of the web. Fake views. Fake likes. Fake listens. Fake traffic. Fake followers. Seriously! The fake factor has kidnapped the online world to the point that it has nearly paralyzed the digital ad world. In fact, according to Juniper research, ad fraud costs $51 million per day. And …